Raby Estate
Staindrop, Darlington, Co Durham, DL2 3AH
Category: Young Shots
Young Shot are invited to join BASC North for an Introduction to Grey Squirrel Management Day at Raby Estate, Co Durham.
The morning will be spent looking at squirrel ecology, the conservation benefits of managing grey squirrel populations, as well as the methods used to reduce numbers.
We will then spend time zeroing airguns and shooting paper targets before heading out to shoot grey squirrels at pre-baited locations around the estate. All youngsters will be accompanied by an experienced BASC coach / volunteer who will be responsible for safe shooting during the afternoon.
Those applying must have a good level of competence in the safe handling and shooting of airguns. Those that have their own airguns and equipment including eye protection, can bring them
Please bring a packed lunch, suitable clothing, footwear for the day and
Refreshments will be available throughout the day.
Open to BASC members and non-Members
Ages: Minimum 12 years. Maximum 18 Years
Cost: £25 BASC Young Shot members / £30 non-members
If you have any queries, please contact Rob Newton, Regional Officer on 07876447820 or email north@basc.org.uk
To book visit:https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/young-shot-introduction-to-grey-squirrel-management-day-raby-estate-tickets-835996637447