Women’s Introduction to Clay Target Shooting Day

Date: 04/10/2024 Time: 10:00am - 2:30pm
The Gower Golf Club
Three Crosses, Gowerton, Swansea, SA4 3HS

Category: Women in Shooting

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BASC Wales would like to invite you to our Women’s Introduction to Clay Target Shooting Day at the Gower Golf Club, Gowerton on Friday 4th October 2024. This event is suitable for complete beginners or novice shooters.

Registration will start at 10am with a warm drink and biscuit, following introductions you will receive one-to-one tuition with a BASC qualified coach, tuition includes, gun fit, eye dominance, gun mount and safety. All cartridges, clays, guns, safety equipment, lunch and refreshments are provided but you may bring your own kit if you wish.

There will be a warm drink and biscuit on arrival and we will finish with a late lunch at 1:30pm.

Please wear clothes and footwear suitable for the forecasted weather.

Cost: members £45 and non-members £50

For more information and booking contact: wales@basc.org.uk or 01244 573029