Young Shots Introduction to Sustainable Duck Flighting

Date: 29/09/2022 Time: 2:00pm
Rettendon, Essex, ,

Category: Wildfowling

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Young Shots are invited to join BASC for an introduction to Duck Flighting.

On the evening young shots will learn the purpose of shooting ducks, the law regarding the subject, quarry identification, range judging, and there may be the opportunity to win a prize..

Young shots will then be taken out with an experienced shot and placed in a hide adjacent to a lake where they may get the chance to bag themselves a duck or two.

At the end of the flight it is back to the shoot room for dinner and Q and A session.

This is fun and informative, and aimed at a young shot who has some experience of shooting with their own gun.

It is a great way for young shots to have an understanding of sustainable Duck Flighting

Price- £75.00 per person

The flight will be shot using sustainable ammunition so please have a nitro proof 12 gauge shotgun with 2 ¾ chambers choked less than half. Sustainable ammunition will be provided.

You will need to bring your own 12g shotgun (with non Damascus barrels), Shotgun certificate, ear protection, hat and suitable clothing for the expected weather.

For further details or to book please email your membership number