Would you like to learn more about game shooting?
Join BASC East at a beautiful Suffolk estate where you will get to understand and see the true benefits of shooting.
On the day there will a talk given by the head keeper regarding shooting.
You will have a conservation tour.
Learn how to dress and cook game.
Shoot some driven clays to get your eye in before heading to the peg to shoot a couple of partridge and pheasant drives.
The day will be shot using sustainable ammunition so please have a nitro proof 12 gauge shotgun with 2 ¾ chambers choked less than half. Sustainable ammunition will be provided.
Alternatively if you would like to bring a different gauge shotgun you can, but you will also need to bring your own non toxic shot & non plastic wad cartridges (a couple of boxes will be enough).
If you do not have this you will be unable to shoot.
Price £145.00 per person hurry these days go fast!
BASC members only
You will need to bring your 12g shotgun, lunch and suitable clothing for the expected weather.
For further details or to book email Eastern@basc.org.uk