Bar Hill Farm
Bar Hill Farm, Nr madeley, Staffordshire , CW3 9QF
Category: Women in Shooting
Have you shot clays before?
Are you ready to go to the next level?
Then join us this coming season on our unique clay to game event with Barhill Sporting, North Staffordshire for a fantastic introduction to driven game shooting.
The day will start with breakfast rolls in the shoot lodge where you will be introduced to an experienced mentor who will accompany you through the day and give you advice and shooting instruction throughout the days shooting.
You will then shoot two simulated game drives followed by a formal lunch back in the shoot lodge. After lunch you will be back out on the peg to shoot two live game drives (approx.50 birds).
The event is suitable for women who have already shot clays or been rough shooting but are yet to shoot driven game birds in a formal setting.
You will need to bring your Shotgun, shotgun slip, ear defenders and shotgun cartridges suitable for clays and game.
Clay cartridges approx. 150
Game cartridges approx. 50
Cost: £420 for BASC members/ £460 for non-members
Only 8 places available.
To book please email or call 01283 810 910